PLEASE NOTE: This suggestion system is for Nebraska State Employee Use only.
Use the Employee Online Suggestion System to submit your ideas on how to improve the State of Nebraska.
Need help with your idea? Although you do NOT have to secure supervisory approval or submit your suggestion through channels, your supervisor may be able to assist you in making your idea a better one, and you receive full credit.
Ideas may earn a cash award from $100 - $6,000!
Submit a Suggestion
Frequently Asked Questions
A suggestion is a proposal by one or more eligible employees, which will reduce or eliminate State expenditures or improve the operation of State Government. To qualify for consideration, a suggestion must do more than call attention to a problem; it also must set forth a constructive solution. The idea must be practical, efficient, and provide monetary savings to the State.
Every State employee is eligible to participate in the employee suggestion award program, except employees of the University of Nebraska System and the Nebraska State Colleges; Constitutional officers; department heads and elected officials.
When two or more suggesters submit a jointly conceived idea for consideration, they will share equally in any award approved. Multiple suggesters must list names, addresses, titles, signatures, etc., on plain paper and attach to suggestion form.
You may receive an award of up to 10% of the first year's dollar cost savings or benefits resulting from the adoption of your suggestion. The maximum award amount is $6,000 unless a larger award is recommended by resolution of the Legislature.
Awards will not be granted when:
The suggestion pertains to a subject assigned to the suggester for research, development, or solution for which the employee has a clear and specific responsibility to offer as part of normal job requirements. The suggestion is considered a duplicate of one previously submitted.
Some suggestions will not be accepted for consideration. These are ones which:
- Are unsigned or written in pencil.
- Express personal grievances.
- Recommend budget and fiscal studies, surveys, reviews, or research matters already recommended for study, summary, or review.
- Recommend changes in pay or classification.
- Are the result of assigned or contracted audits.
- Give only unsupported personal preferences.
- Require the enactment of legislation.
- Advocate increased taxes or license fees or creation of additional revenue by imposition of an inequitable or unjust tax.
- Concern the University of Nebraska or Nebraska State Colleges.
- Involve terms and conditions of employment that are subject to the collective bargaining process.
- (Where) A suggester has applied for patent rights to his or her suggestion.
- Recommend corrections in spelling, grammar, or mathematical calculations.
If your suggestion is not adopted and you are dissatisfied with the reasons for non-adoption, you may appeal the decision within 30 calendar days from the date of the original letter of non-adoption. You must submit additional or supplemental information which was not previously covered or which points out an error in the evaluation report. Your appeal should be sent to the AS - Personnel Division Director. You retain rights to your suggestion for a period of twenty-four (24) months from the date of the letter of non-adoption. If your suggestion is placed in effect during this two-year period, you may request reconsideration of your suggestion.