The 309 Task Force Division was created to address the State's significant deferred building renewal needs in State-owned facilities by providing funding and oversight of building upgrades. The Task Force reviews proposed projects, as requested by State Agencies, and makes recommendations for funding to the governor. The Task Force evaluates deferred building renewal needs base on: deferred repair; fire and life safety; Americans with Disabilities Act; and energy conservation. In coordination with State agencies, the Task Force determines the highest priority projects on a statewide basis to receive allocated funds.

Deferred Repair - Includes all elements of the building envelope, including roofs, walls, doors, and windows. It also includes the building infra-structure including heating, ventilating and air conditioning systems, electrical systems and plumbing.

Fire/Life-Safety - Includes projects which correct deficiencies which would impair the life or health of any individual within the facility or the facility itself.

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) - Accessibility Guidelines were established with the passage of this act and are the basis for all Task Force corrective action.

Energy Conservation - Includes any measures taken to conserve energy use by the building.