Address Book is going through some exciting changes and this is our informational page concerning all things Address Book.

If you have any questions about the Address Book Enhancements, please contact us!  Also, any comments about this webpage are encouraged.  This is a resource for Address Book users to find assistance when processing Address Book requests.


12-5-14 – Revised Combined W-9/ACH Enrollment Form
A revised combined W-9/ACH Enrollment Form has been published and is now available for use.

Some sections have been clarified and there is now a new requirement for any changes to a record which currently has ACH.  The prior routing and account numbers need to accompany all change requests to verify that the person requesting the change is authorized to request the change to the ACH information we have on file.  This requirement is being implemented to be more proactive against fraudulent ACH change requests.

To create an agency or contact person specific form, save a copy of the new form with your contact information so you can distribute it to your vendors/clients/providers, etc.



W-9 & W-8 Requirements:

  • Adds:
    • W-9s: New Vendors, Suppliers, Entities or Businesses – including those using SSNs
    • W-8s: Any Foreign (International) Entity or Individual that does not supply a W-9.
  • Changes:
    • W-9s: Change of Parent Company or DBA (Doing Business As) Name
      • Change of Federal Tax ID (FTIN/EIN)
      • Any existing record that does not currently have a W-9 on file
    • W-8s: Change of Parent Company or DBA (Doing Business As) Name
      • Change of Foreign Status (such as obtaining a US Taxpayer ID)
      • Any existing foreign record that does not currently have a W-8 on file
Links to Helpful External Websites:

NOTE: This website contains links to sites which are not maintained by or under the control of the Nebraska Department of Administrative Services or the State of Nebraska. Technical problems with outside links, other than a link that has been moved or changed, should be reported to the entity that maintains the site, not the Nebraska Department of Administrative Services. If you feel that the content of an outside link is inappropriate, please email us.

Mailing Address Verification:

Congressional District Verification (used in conjunction with DUNS numbers):

Internal Revenue Service:

The following documents are periodically updated. Please refer to each document for current date.