Frequently Asked Questions of TSB

What are the hours for the TSB Motor Pool and Service Centers?
7:30 AM to 5:00 PM, Mondays thru Fridays, excluding State Holidays.

What are the current lease, mileage, and rental rates for the TSB vehicles?
(Please click here for current rates)

When can you pick up a Lincoln motor pool vehicle and not be charged for that day?
Lincoln motor pool vehicles checked out after 4:00pm are not charged for the day of check out unless the vehicle is used the same evening.

Is there insurance coverage for people who are not state employees using state vehicles for state business?
Yes, if the employee receives permission from their Director, and they inform TSB and Risk Management of the trip. Please refer to Section 2, Item #7 of the TSB Policies and Procedures manual for additional information.

How long may a motor pool vehicle be checked out?
The maximum time allowed is two (2) weeks.

What authorizations and/or documents will an employee need in order to check out a motor pool vehicle?
A valid Drivers License, a State ID, and an authorized transportation request form if the driver’s agency does not have a Universal Authorization on file at TSB.

How do you obtain a transportation request form and a TSB Driver ID?
Your Vehicle Coordinator should have the transportation request forms. If you have a TSB Driver ID and after you have filled in the required sections, ask your Division Supervisor to approve your transportation request form. If you do not have a TSB Driver ID, your Vehicle Coordinator will need to request a course registration from the DAS-State Personnel / TSB Defensive Driving Course Facilitator.

How do I register or submit a vehicle complaint?
You may submit an online report or, contact Bryan Tlamka via email at , or by telephone at 402-471-2897.

What do I do if I have an accident in a TSB vehicle?
Contact the local law enforcement and report the accident. You will also need to complete the Risk Management's Accident form. See Motor Pool Vehicle Accident Procedures for additional information.

Where are the TSB fuel pump locations?
The TSB Rental Center's fuel pumps are located on the south side of the Nebraska State Office Building's East Parking garage. The pumps may be accessed from the south exit of the garage or off of 16th Street to the west, between "M" and "L" Streets.

Where are the Dept. of Transportation’s State Fueling Sites pump located?
The Nebraska Department of Transportation’s fueling sites may be obtained from DOT Operations by calling 402-479-4615.