Step 1

Employee presents formal grievance to supervisor within 15 workdays.

The Grievance form is not to be completed during work time or on a State computer.

Supervisor has five (5) workdays to respond in writing.

Step 2

Employee appeals supervisor’s decision to the Agency Head/designee within 10 workdays of receipt of the step 1 decision. Agency Head/designee has 15 workdays to respond in writing.

Step 3

Employee appeals the Agency Head/designee response, to arbitration, in writing, within 15 workdays through the AS-Employee Relations Division Administrator.

The Parties may mutually agree to the selection of an Arbitrator.  If the parties are unable to mutually agree to an arbitrator, they will request the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service (FMCS) to submit a list of seven names to serve as arbitrator.  If the names submitted are unacceptable, a second request may be made.  If an arbitrator is still not chosen, the names will be combined and the parties will alternately strike names until one remains.

The Arbitrator confers with parties and holds hearing, and issues a final and binding decision within 30 days of the hearing.

Arbitration decisions cannot be appealed to the district court.

Information and forms related to employee grievance process for State Law Enforcement employees.
Description Last Revised Format
The Leader's Guide to Discipline 04/10/2020 PDF
State Law Enforcement Employee Grievance Form 12/04/2013 PDF