Expense Reimbursement Document "ERD" Guidelines
These guidelines are to assist agencies in reviewing ERD's
The Employee name, Address book number and Title should be entered
The Headquarter City should be filled out
Explanation should include:
The purpose for the expense
Where traveling from and traveling to
The reason if the most direct route is not used
Start and Stop times should be entered for each trip
Check mileage to make sure that it is correct (Example: mapquest.com)
Should put down the correct mileage rate for the year of the expense
If attending an out-of-state conference, attach travel authorization.
If conference is attended, the agenda needs to be attached
Check the agenda for dates, times, location and if meals are included
Reimbursement for meals included with the cost of the conference fee may
not be made unless the employee has documented a valid exception. (example: allergic to the food; meal does not meet dietary restrictions)
For Lodging there needs to be a detailed receipt which should identify:
Government rate applied
Food (including room service) should be accounted for separately on the ERD
If stay is Direct Billed, it is not allowed as reimbursement but DB should still be 
indicated on form
No movie charges allowed
No Alcohol charges allowed
For Meals determine if there needs to be a detailed receipt:
Receipts are required unless under $5.00.
Times of travel should be checked to make sure meal reimbursement is allowed
Check agency policies for maximum amount to be reimbursed
Miscellaneous expenses such as Taxi, Parking, or vending machine food do not require
receipts unless required by Agency policy
Always use item coding
Phone calls should be coded to communication expense
Air line tickets should be coded to commercial transportation
State Accounting does not require receipts for meal under $5.00 or miscellaneous 
Agencies can require miscellaneous receipts by agency policy
Amounts on the ERD should match any receipts
ERD should be signed by an authorized person
The employee who is requesting reimbursement should not enter, approve, pre-audit or post their own ERD.
If Personal Vehicle Mileage, document needs to be signed by the appropriate person
Expense Reimbursement Documents should be completed in a timely manner
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