From: Carlson, Ron

To:                   DASBUD State Financial Officers; DASACC Financial Contacts

Cc:                  DASBUD Everyone;            DASACC Everyone; ASNIS Everyone

Sent:               Fri 3/20/2009 4:32 PM


Subject:         Stimulus funding reporting                       



Last Monday at the meeting on ARRA Stimulus funding,  I discussed how reporting for this funding would be tracked using the Business Unit category code 21 field in the NIS general ledger.  I demonstrated how agencies could use this code as part of data selection to run grant project and general ledger reports on this funding.  The default name for this field in the system, which was shown at the session, was Business Unit Reporting Code 21 (F0006)(RP21).  To make it easier for the agencies to find and use this code, the name of the code has been changed to ARRA (F0006)(RP21).  That is now the name that will appear on the report’s data selection screen.

This change is also being made for the column heading on the Add Business Units screen.


Please forward this information to any other of your accounting staff which may need to be aware of this change.


If there are any questions about this change or stimulus funding reporting, please contact Bruce Snyder or me.


