To:                   DASACC Financial Contacts, NIS Flash Contacts (Financial), NIS Flash Contacts (Procurement)

CC:                 Dee Ward/DASACC/NEBRLN@NEBRLN


From:              Paul Carlson


Date:               02/10/2006    10:42 A.M.


Subject:          W-9 Information


Due to numerous questions relating to the required W-9 form information, we have prepared the following information:  The W-9 form is an IRS form entitled Request for Taxpayer Identification Number & Certification.  This form will ensure that we set up the vendor business name, Tax ID and the Tax Entity Code field correctly in the NIS address book for 1099 tax reporting.  The business address on the W-9 form is usually the vendor’s home or corporate address and should not be confused with the ‘remit to’ address that is on the vendor’s invoice or paperwork.  It is imperative that we remit payment to the address specified by the vendor, which many times is a location different than the home office.  Agency personnel are responsible for making sure that correct ‘remit to’ and ‘purchase order’ mailing address information is sent in all HTML middleware address book request submissions for vendor (V) and payable (PP) search types.