Auditor F/A Listing Report


This report will provide you with a listing of all fixed assets, with tag numbers and their related costs, for your agency (FYI - this report should be run at the end of each month.) In preparation for year-end, ensure that you run this report by May 31 and again on June 22, 2007. The purpose of running this report two times before year-end is to examine the reports to ensure they are accurate and to make any necessary adjustments prior to running the final report. If there are fixed assets listed on this report that are not found during the annual physical inventory, the equipment status needs to be changed to UL (Unable to Locate), so they can be tracked until located. The final report should be run as soon as possible after July 3, 2007 with an “as of date” of June 30, 2007. 


The following is a link for instructions on how to run this report.


Some special instructions to take note of:


Data Selection:  If you add a line to the data selection criteria lines you need to ensure that you add the same line/criteria above and below the standard “or” statement that is already in the data selection. Also, be sure to complete the agency data selection with your agency’s number. 


On the Processing Options:


1.     Enter date 6/30/2007,

2.     Enter your three digit agency number,

3.     Enter your three digit division #, if applicable,

4.     Enter “6” for fiscal year,

5.     Leave blank so that disposed assets are not listed.




The Fixed Asset No Cost Integrity Report


This report will provide you with a list of all fixed asset tag numbers recorded in NIS for your agency for which there has been no cost recorded in any year.  If you have assets listed on this report, you must determine if the asset needs cost and correct those needing costs by June 22, 2007 in one of three ways. (1) Match the tag numbers of these assets with an item on the Unposted Fixed Assets Transaction Report (discussed next) and then post the appropriate dollars to the tag numbers with no cost in the fixed assets module.  (2) Research the actual cost of the asset and input the cost into NIS via a journal entry.  When creating the journal entry, the debit and credit need to be to the same business unit object combination for the same amount (i.e. Debit 12345678.583000 for $500 and Credit 12345678.583000 for $500).  In the financial module, approve and post the journal entry.  After the journal entry has posted, go to Revise Unposted Fixed Entries and bring up the unposted transaction.  Post the debit to the associated tag number and pass on the credit.  (3) If a tag number has no cost posted to it and it will no longer be utilized, you can delete the tag number in the fixed assets module.


For those items purchased on a Purchase Order prior to June 22, 2007:


1.  If the item is being utilized, receive the item in NIS prior to

June 22, 2007.  Post the receipt batch (“O”) and post the dollars to your fixed asset.


2.  If the item still needs to be received and is not being utilized, and a tag number has been created in NIS, the tag number should remain on the Fixed Asset No Cost Integrity Report.


The following is a link for instructions on how to run this report.




Unposted Fixed Assets Transaction Report


This report will identify transactions that have been coded to object accounts 580300 – 586999, but have not been posted to a tag number in the fixed asset module.  All unposted fixed asset transactions must either be posted to the fixed asset system, or passed on by June 22, 2007. When passing on a fixed asset transaction, you must put the reason you are passing in the Explanation – Remark field of the Revised Unposted Entries Screen.  If there is something in this field, you can delete what is there and enter your explanation for passing.


·        Instructions for posting or passing on a fixed asset transaction are available on the NIS homepage, under NIS Training Manuals and Fixed Assets.  The web link is:


Cleaning up all items on the Unposted Fixed Assets Report is required at year-end.  If all transactions are not cleared, your agency will be contacted.


The following is a link for instructions on how to run the Unposted Fixed Asset Transaction Report.






We appreciate your cooperation and adherences to these established guidelines.  If you have any questions about anything contained in this memorandum, please contact Gregg Yaussi, Surplus Property Manager, at 471-3896.