To:                   DASACC Financial Contacts

From:              Cheng, Ralene

Sent:               July 27, 2009


Subject:         July 24, 2009 Biennial Carryover Report


This memo was sent to the DASACC Financial Contacts mailing list.


The July 24, 2009 Biennial Carryover Report is now available on the DAS State Accounting website under Reports. 

The web address is:


The Biennial Carryover Report contains encumbrances as of July 24, 2009.


The Biennial Carryover Report should match with your Encumbrance Detail Report.  The Encumbrance Detail Report can be found at the following NIS path:

Accounting - Agencies > Inquiries and Reports > Budget Reports > Other Budget Reports > Encumbrance Detail Report


Instructions for running the Encumbrance Detail Report can be obtained from the NIS Training Manuals  under Accounting at the following web address:


Most agencies had the unexpended appropriation balances existing on June 30, 2009, reappropriated for their programs, so those agencies should review the PSL amounts on the report (business units that start with P). For programs that were not reappropriated, agencies should review all of the amounts on the report.


Instructions for creating Payroll Encumbrances can be obtained from the NIS Training Manuals  under NIS Mini Manuals at the following web address:


Instructions for Entering/Adjusting Manual Encumbrances can be obtained from the NIS Training Manuals  under Budgeting at the following web address:


If you have questions, please contact me at 471-0610.