DATE:             September 2, 2005


TO:                  All Agencies, Board, and Commissions


FROM:            Paul Carlson, State Accountant

                        State Accounting, Department of Administrative Services


SUBJECT:       End of Biennium Encumbrance Certification


In order for agencies to carryover fiscal year ended June 30, 2005 Appropriation/Authority and the related Personal Services Limitation associated with encumbrances, they are required to complete the encumbrance certification process. 


State Accounting has created the Biennial Carryover Certification Report for agencies to certify their encumbrances.  The report is located on the State Accounting website

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No hard copies will be sent to agencies.  You must access the State Accounting website to retrieve this report.  


The Biennial Carryover Certification Report has been run in final form for the period ending August 31, 2005.  This has been placed on the State Accounting website under NIS.  The website address is noted above. Agencies should print off a copy of pages related to their agency from the August 31, 2005 report.   This is the copy that should be signed by the Director.  A signature line is included on the report eliminating the requirement of a cover letter that was used last biennium.  The original signed copy should be returned to State Accounting no later than Friday, September 9, 2005.


Information from the signed Certified Biennial Carryover Report will be used by the State Budget Office to increase the Appropriation and Personal Service Limitation where it is appropriate.  A journal entry will be created that will load this information into the budget status ledger.  If you do not want this information automatically loaded into the budget status report, please provide notification to Patty Richard in State Accounting.


If you have any questions regarding the certification process, please contact Patty Richard at or 402-471-2238.