1. Accounts Receivable. Amounts due from private persons or
organizations for goods and services furnished by the State by June 30, with
collection to be realized after June 30. If collection is not expected during the next fiscal year, contact
State Accounting for further instructions.
2. Interagency Accounts Receivable. Do not report this
year. State Accounting
will get directly from the P9 transactions in
3. Loans
Receivable. Amounts loaned to
individuals or organizations. Please indicate the amount due within the next
year and the amount due past the next year. If collection of any loans is
questionable, contact State Accounting for further instructions.
4. Inventories.
An asset account reflecting the cost
of goods held for resale or for use in operations, but not including
office supplies or equipment.
5. Prepaid
Items. Payment for regularly
recurring cost of operations in advance of the receipt of goods or services.
Examples of prepaid items include prepayments for insurance, rent, postage,
6. Long-Term
and Other Payables. An obligation
for goods or services received prior to June 30 which will have a balance
remaining to be paid after June 30. Examples include long-term construction and
retainage payables and all accounts payable which
will not be captured within
7. Contingent
Liabilities. According to GASB
Statement 10, a reportable liability has been incurred if 1) it is probable that an asset has
been impaired or a liability has been incurred at the date of the financial statements
and 2) the amount of the loss can
be reasonably estimated. If both of these conditions are met, the liability
should be reported under item 6.
If an event has
occurred which may result in a claim against the State and it does not meet
both of these conditions, it is a contingent liability and should be reported
here as it may require footnote disclosure.
Grants and Entitlements.
8. Intergovernmental
Payable. Amount of unexpended
federal cash on hand which was received either directly or indirectly (pass
through from other State agencies) which would be due back to the Federal
Government if the grant were to cease at June 30. Do not include activity in
the Federal Letter of Credit Fund (NIS Fund 40000).
9. Intergovernmental
Receivable. Amount of federal
reimbursements due for cash disbursed on federal programs and federal
entitlements due.